
Taking Texas And The Nation Back

Judiciary Committee Passes Contempt Resolution

Posted by nytexan on July 25, 2007

The panel’s decision now goes to the House floor for a vote.

The full House is unlikely to take up the issue before the August recess, a Democratic leadership aide told CNN.

The Committee has approved the report recommending to the House that Miers and Bolten be cited for Contempt of Congress.

Subcommittee Chairwoman Linda Sánchez gives opening remarks:

Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-29) speaks on the contempt that Miers and Bolton have, in fact, shown for the Congress, and rebuts opposition criticisms:

20 Responses to “Judiciary Committee Passes Contempt Resolution”

  1. GOOD ! it is about time , this congress let these thugs know they work for WE the people first, the rule of law, and lastly at the pleasure of the president – who by the way works for US, and under the rule of law and OUR constitution, EVEN in a time of “war”

    Let the charges begin !!!!

  2. nytexan said

    I agree. Bush and the GOP have long forgotten that they work for us.

  3. JollyRoger said

    You know they’ll have to revive their traditional way of enforcing these citations though. It’ll have to be the Capitol Police that go after the evildoers.

  4. Suzie-Q said

    Great they are doing this! And, I was just getting ready to post an article regarding this on my blog.. as they say, “great minds”.. 😉

  5. The Committee has approved the report recommending to the House that Miers and Bolten be cited for Contempt of Congress.

    And, Alberto Gonzales? Where is the Contempt of Congress charge for him for lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee?

  6. nytexan said

    I would love to see the Capitol Police pick them up. BTW:How far is their reach? Let’s say Miers is in Dallas would the Dallas PD get her or the U.S. Marshal’s

    Great minds are all on the left.

    I think Leahey & Spector are moving that way or at least perjury charges. We could call and encourage it.

    For some reason my gut tells me Conyers and his committee won’t go after Gonzales.

  7. NyTexan,

    A Special Prosecutor needs to be appointed IMMEDIATELY to investigate Gonzo. Don’t delay — just do it.

  8. nytexan said

    I fully agree.

  9. nytexan said


    The panel’s decision now goes to the House floor for a vote.

    The full House is unlikely to take up the issue before the August recess, a Democratic leadership aide told CNN.

    Why are they waiting until after August. What in the hell is wrong with Pelosi?

  10. Why are they waiting until after August. What in the hell is wrong with Pelosi?

    All elites (this includes Speaker Botox) go on long holidays in August.

    Botox & family will no doubt kick back at their spread in the Napa Valley or travel to Europe to shop and sightsee. The people’s business doesn’t register to these elites in August.

    Add to this, Nancy Pelosi is a cowardly, DINO Dem, who is a traditionalist in her relationship to this president and it’s a recipe for failure.

    Did you see her and Reid yesterday jumping up and down at their rally for passing the minimum wage increase? Nine months in the majority and that’s all she and Reid can point to as an accomplishment.

  11. nytexan said

    Funny they brow beat the Iraqi Government for going on vacation in August and they’re doing the same.

    I though their rally yesterday for minimum wage was foolish. The increase is 10 years to late and too little. I’d like to seem them work for minimum wage and then jump for joy over it.

  12. Yep. You got it.

    A case of “do as I say, not as I do.” They’re despicable.

  13. One more point.

    The 110th should NOT go on August Hols because this gives Bush all the time he needs to make MORE recess appointments.

    Then, Queen Nancy and her court of clowns can return to Washington screeching and shouting about what a big meanie the president is.

  14. nytexan said

    He will make a recess on his Surgeon General.

  15. TURN UP THE HEAT – They must bring this to the house floor before the recess ! Call call call.

    WE are starting phone blitz today – DO not put this vote off till after the recess. i called the leadership and both of my reps Repug and Dem. This is a constitutional issue and the most pressing matter of the day – IT must not wait till after the recess..NO NO NO.

    gaak on the surgeon general. Hope his term is only as long as BushCo admin lasts which gawd willing will not be much longer. They need to have Impeachment hearing…so folks make your calls put the hate on. This is a constitutional reckoning and you know what they say about justice delayed. ..

  16. Oh the mimimum wage, good lord, nobody can live on even the top scale of these over the yrs incremental increases. They cannot heat or cool their homes, pay rent , feed themselves, get to work. Its a disgrace. With taxes and insurance premiums a mimimum wage needs to be at least 12.00 bucks an hr..and even that would be a squeeze. These people have no conscience, oh but wait we knew that.

  17. hmm Freudian slip there in comment #15 wrote i wrote put the “hate” on. Hmmmm…do i hate em ? yeah probably. Do i want a vote before the recess. Most definitly. So lets turn up the heat Let em know we are watching very very carefully. Every move they make are they with the people or against us. With the Constitution or in need of remedial work. I attempt politely and passionately remind my republican reps its a Constitutional issue, not partisian..nope its way way more than that etc.

  18. nytexan said

    You do make me laugh…”turn up the hate”

    I’ll call, but you know Nancy she has her own agenda that doesn’t include us.

    Edwards is all for raising the minimum wage to $10.00 per hr. He thinks the recent bill is a disgrace and an insult. I’m really starting to like this guy.

  19. I seriously think there must be some kind of stars lined up for me in a certain way..that is giving me this unfounded completely irration HOPE, that the Constitution will trump partisian politics. Man i don’t care who does it..any politician with a shred of integrity will do..i know thats an oxymoron. I want the Bill of rights back. I want every signing order burned, I want the crimes that Bushco inc have commmitted prosecuted. This period of our history makes Watergate look like play school and i am gonna keep calling till my minutes run out. This country is going down the tubes, fast – i cannot go to my grave knowing i did not try to save it for the future generations – so they do not live in a police state, as we are NOW.

    Anyhow NY T, next week i will likely be despaired. Hell i am a Green , i have been disgusted for soo long with the “one” party system. Don’t know why i get these surges of HOPE, but i ride em when they do hit.

  20. Edwards does understand poverty

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